Independent energy suppliers overtake Big Six

The number of customer service complaints have rocketed for the larger suppliers who seem to have become complacent in their old age. The Big Six are already in the firing line again over high energy prices and it seems the general public are jumping ship to smaller suppliers. The independents have seized the window of opportunity, […]

Small energy suppliers gain more complaints

Small energy suppliers have fallen victim to a growing number of customer complaints according to Citizens Advice. It seems the businesses have grown so quickly that they are unable to service their customers properly. The quarterly complaints league has for the first time included the top 18 biggest energy firms rather than just the big […]

The Big Six lose more customers to independent suppliers

Independent suppliers are gaining more momentum in the energy market as they poach more customers away from the Big Six. Their collective market share now stands at 11.2%, which is higher than three of the major suppliers. Hardly surprising though as the Big Six have been through a torrent of bad press after the initial […]

Corbyn’s Labour leadership win = energy renationalisation?

Jeremy Corbyn, the new Labour party leader has breathed new life into the debate over renationalisation of the energy industry. While Corbyn’s energy policies have never overtly mentioned plans for renationalisation, he has made it clear that it is his “personal wish”. He stated: “I would want the public ownership of the gas and the […]

The CMA energy remedy debate

After the Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) report on the energy market and its issues was published in July, the investigation has entered a period of consultation upon its proposed remedies. Energy suppliers have been falling over themselves to comment on the remedies after the initial findings shed them in a fairly positive light. The […]

Greatrex supporting Corbyn’s call for energy renationalisation?

Former Labour party shadow energy minister, Tom Greatrex has asked the industry not to dismiss Jeremy Corbyn’s call to renationalise the energy sector and implored them to consider the idea. He believes that the public would be in favour of renationalisation and urges energy companies to focus “relentlessly” on changing their approach. While this was never […]

More energy customers switching supplier

Energy UK has recorded the highest number of switches this year for a July since it started records. Looks like consumers are finally taking notice of the energy market amongst high-profile publicity in the press and a government campaign. The energy market has been under close scrutiny with the general elections and recent CMA investigation […]

Public ownership for the Big Six and National Grid says Corbyn

Labour leadership candidate Jeremy Corbyn has announced he wants to renationalise the big six energy companies and National Grid if he were leading a Labour government. He said: “I would want the public ownership of the gas and the National Grid. I would personally wish that the big six were under public control, or public […]

Huge increase in Big Six customer complaints

Nearly all of the big six energy companies have suffered from a 50% rise in complaints this year. With the exception of EDF who managed to lower their number of complaints, the rest of the big suppliers received average complaints of 271.3 per 100,000 customers between January and March this year. Citizens Advice’s chief executive […]

Independent energy suppliers becoming more popular with households

It seems the bad press over the Big Six and their overpriced energy has had an effect on domestic customers. Independent energy suppliers now hold 10% of the market share as households start jumping ship. Independents collectively hold a share of more than 10% in nine of the 14 regions, and record the third highest […]