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Independent energy suppliers becoming more popular

big 6 energy companiesConsumers are paving the way to a competitive energy market with customers leaving the Big Six in favour of independent suppliers.

These smaller companies now hold 12.6 per cent of the dual fuel energy market after rapid growth in the last six months while the Big Six’s market share is slowly dwindling month on month.

It seems that Joe Public has got wise to potential savings in the market and jumped ship. Customer service is becoming king with growing dissatisfaction towards the Big Six. We’ve seen huge issues with regard to billing in some of our larger suppliers.

Ed Kamm from First Utility, the UK’s largest independent supplier, said:

“The growth of independent suppliers in the energy market is a significant achievement, but there is still much further to go with huge savings available to consumers if they make the switch. There are still 40 percent who have never switched and a large swathe of big six customers on standard variable tariffs that are collectively overspending by billions.”

More than 1.5 million electricity customers have switched supplier so far in 2015 and we expect the numbers to rise as consumers get more clued up on the energy market.

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